This week was all about bats! We filled up our schema by reading about bats.  We sure did learn a lot of neat information.  Instead of me telling you everything we learned, check out the Blabberize our class made this week.  This will tell you everything we learned about bats! Enjoy!

We also had to use our reading skills to find information. This came in handy when we were trying to label the different parts of a bat!
During math we practiced ways to count to 100. We counted by 1's, 5's, and 10's. We found that 10's was the fastest so this was the method we used when counting mosquitoes! Bats love to eat mosquitoes!!
In writing, we were introduced to "sparkle" words.  Sparkle words help us add more detail to our story.  We want our readers to be able to see our story in their minds.  The more detail we give our readers the better! We created sparkle webs this week on puppies and pizza.
We were super excited about the start of "Frankie the Frog" at the beginning of October. This week Frankie the Frog has begun visiting us all day and not just during the Daily 5. Frankie the Frog loves visiting first graders who have done an outstanding job of showing Panther Pride for the day! Congratulations to Caroline, Paul, Emma, and Saul for getting to hang out with Frankie the Frog this week! Great Job!
Enjoy the cooler weather and I will see you on Tuesday! Please remember "Parent Teacher Conferences" start on Monday!

Mrs. Donohue

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