First, please let me apologize for being so late on our weekly blog.  We had guests over the weekend at the Donohue house!

This past week the children learned about making connections during their reading.  We first learned about our schema.  Schema is all the stuff in our brains that we take with us every day. Our schema is what we already know.
We learned that the books we read remind us of things we already have in our schema: this is called a connection! We will continue working on making connections in the coming weeks.

This week we began literacy stations with everyone doing a 
different thing at the same time.  The children really enjoyed being able to get on the computers during the Listen to Reading station.
This week we worked a lot with partners.  The children worked with partners on a short o word sort.  They did a great job finding the different short o word families (-ock, -ob, -ot, and -og).
They also worked with partners in math.  This week was all about story problems and equations.  They rolled two dice, created a story problem, and wrote an equation with the partners and total. We discussed the importance of the plus sign and equal sign.
Enjoy the last week of September!

Mrs. Donohue

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